The Power of a Loving Teacher

Teachers Have Great Power to Shape the Minds of Their Students

This article applies to everyone who supports, guides, instructs, or assists people, of any age, as the deal with their life; whether these are parents, teachers, caregivers, bus drivers, counselors, doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, anyone giving support, advice, or counsel to others, paid or unpaid.

I would like to talk about teachers and the critical role they play in their students’ lives, particulary for young children. I am not alone to have noticed, over the years, that teachers in our schools, for the most part, are not appreciated by many. This does not make sense because, from my perspective, it is obvious that being a teacher is one of the most important jobs in this country. Our teachers are responsible for shaping the minds of the children who will be the future leaders in this country, on all political, economic, and social levels.

Ponder for a moment the amount of time your children spend at school interacting with teachers and the amount of time they spend at home interacting with family members during the course of a school year.

Imagine if we lived in a world where teachers were recognized for their value and their power to shape and mold the children that come before them.

I would encourage everyone to become more involved in their educational systems and ensure that teachers have all they need, financially, and materially, to fulfill the jobs that parents and society require of them.

Ask yourself, can teachers perform to their highest when they struggle to survive in this world because they are underpaid and overextended in their workload?

Imagine the stress teachers have in these situations at school and the distress it causes within their personal and family lives.

Ask yourself, as a student, would you prefer your teacher to be happy and motivated or miserable and stressed out?

Can they function as teachers, insofar as their ability to teach the subjects they’re asked, and expected, to teach all of their students, when they’re required to be counselors, as well? Can they focus, fully, on teaching the material they’re asked to, when they are required to deal with the mental, emotional, and physical problems that, on a daily basis, come with many of the students in their classrooms?

Teachers Open Windows to the World

Teachers in schools have a great responsibility because the children they teach are learning about the world and how to interact with it. Every child has unique life experiences that affect their energies and interactions with everyone else.

Teachers and students communicate with one another in many different ways, both on physical and non-physical levels. The ideal instructor is stable and loving and does not allow their personal beliefs to influence what they teach or how they go about teaching it.

Children are wide open on some energy levels, so they are easily influenced by their instructors’ energies. There is not only an energy exchange between the teacher and each individual student but also between the students themselves.

It is the mindset of the individuals concerned that determines the energies. It is important to understand that teachers can profoundly impact children in positive ways, but they can also negatively affect children.

The Teacher Who Loves Teaching

The teachers who love children and love teaching, create the largest impact on their students because the energies they radiate to them are positive and loving. Links are created on an energy level for each child that reflects the intent and energies of the instructor.

This, in turn, allows children to feel safe and secure in this environment, and consequently, they endeavor to excel in their schoolwork. They respond this way to remain in the teacher’s favor because they enjoy being in the instructor’s presence (energies).

A loving teacher is always intuitively aware of the needs of the individual and adjusts their teaching style accordingly in order to accommodate them.

“What Happens When I Teach Without Love?”

Any teacher who has an unhappy life will have negative energy in their energy field and that negative energy will be the energy behind everything that they say and do with their students.

Those who have strong belief systems and feel the need to express them in the classroom, will also have negative energies because they will stand in judgment of any student whose parents hold different views from their own.

Judgment occurs whenever someone does not honor the free will of others and so, is coming from a negative place. When this happens, the teacher’s interactions with their pupils become tainted with the negativity that is a consequence of their judgments, even if the teacher does not express these, physically. Instead of being guided by Love, the teacher is being guided by their fears, their judgments, and that is how they’re creating and connecting with their students.

Consequently, their judgments will have a powerfully, negative effect on their students.

For those children who come from dysfunctional homes you’ll find the fears, the insecurities, increasing when they are in the presence of teachers who hold a lot of anger inside themselves. This is because these students have to exert a lot of mental and emotional energy, just to deal with the teacher’s negative energy and how it is triggering and affecting them. This, in turn, inhibits the students’ ability to learn what is being presented to them.

Children and Energy

A child from a positive, happy, and loving home will experience joy in a loving classroom setting, and learning will be fulfilling for them. They will also find it easy to express their creative abilities and learn what is taught academically. The energy exchange between instructor and student will be positive; consequently, their experiences together will be uplifting.

On the other hand, children from dysfunctional homes will respond in several different ways. Some will enjoy being with a positive, loving teacher because their classroom will be one of the only places where they feel safe, understood, and loved. They, too, will endeavor to do well in school so the teacher does not reject them or withdraw their love.

Many of these children, however, will have difficulty learning anything because fear rules their existence. This is because they expend a great deal of their mental and emotional energy dealing with their fears, thus negating and overwhelming any information they are given, causing them to be unable to absorb what they are taught.

Children with learning disabilities find it easier to learn in a loving environment because they no longer have to focus on the fears which govern most of their experiences in life. Consequently, the safer they feel, the more open they become to learning.

When some insecure children are treated with love and respect in school, it profoundly impacts them in their life in and out of school. It boosts their self-esteem and confidence not only in the classroom but outside it.

When a teacher comes from a place of love, they have the ability to speak directly to the essence/inner self of those they are teaching, enabling them to open to their own essence, a being of love. It also allows them to access their own unlimited creativity.

A few kind words from a teacher can totally change a student’s life and cause them to develop respect for their mentor which they will never forget.

A loving exchange of energies always produces a positive and uplifting effect for everyone involved in the school and their greater life.

The Energy Dynamics of the Classroom

We are all part of a collective consciousness on this planet, which, in turn, is composed of many smaller ones due to the different beliefs people embrace, causing them to stand in judgment of one another.

Similarly, the teacher and students in the classroom also form their own collective consciousness within the greater collective consciousness of the world in general.

When a teacher loves, the teacher radiates that energy to their pupils, and most pupils will respond similarly. These positive energies will then form a small mini-collective consciousness that will affect everyone in the classroom in powerful ways.

When the teacher has an open mind, they model this to those they teach, and the students emulate them. Teaching by example is one of the most powerful ways to teach in ways that those being taught will retain throughout their life.

This then becomes a blessing not only for the students but for everyone in the school and all of humanity.

Both the teacher and students will experience life in the classroom as uplifting and joyful, and the latter’s ability to learn will be greatly enhanced. The children will then be able to link to their inner selves and access their innate knowledge and creativity.

Conversely, when the teacher comes from a negative place, the energies of the classroom’s mini-collective consciousness will reflect that. There will be no joy or harmony in these situations for anyone.

This makes it difficult for the students to learn due to the negativity they feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Some of the students will find their negative habits and beliefs reinforced by the teacher’s modeling because of the energies they pick up on an energetic level from the teacher. As some of the students learn to deal with life situations from the negative modeling of the instructor, but over time the collective energies In the classroom and the school will become more negative, which will take all the joy out of teaching and learning for all concerned.

Our thoughts determine our energy state. When they are negative, our energies go into even more of a dark place and create links to those on both the physical and non-physical levels who are also resonating with negative thinking and making negative life choices as a consequence.

Teachers hold positions of immense power, which brings a lot of responsibility to them. When they understand this, they are a blessing to their school, and their value to their students, families, communities, and the greater world is priceless.

Most children are energetically wide open and are easily influenced and manipulated by adults and those in authority. Anyone who is in a position to teach children who are ruled by fear would be well served to seek healing so that their fears are not passed on to their students.

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