The Mechanics of Consciousness
The Energy of Our Thoughts
What we think, we project energetically to everyone around us and, ultimately, to the planetary consciousness. For example, when you are around an angry person, you will find yourself feeling afraid or threatened by the negative thought energies you are receiving from that person, in that moment, when you have any negativity or fears in your own energy field. Similarly, you will also be affected in a very positive, powerful way when you are around people who are extremely, positive and motivated.
Our Thoughts Determine Our Experience
Simply put, the thoughts that we empower determine the type of experience we have in our day-to-day lives. If we live in fear and judgment, we are going to have a very negative experience. The same is true when we choose to live from a place of Love, we will have a positive experience. You are the master of your own experience.
We Are All Part of a Collective Consciousness
We are all connected as one, energetically. The thoughts that we empower as individuals, we share with the collective global consciousness. At this time on planet Earth, the collective consciousness is very fragmented. This fragmentation is caused by the negativity of the judgments that people living in fear empower in their day-to-day lives. The planetary consciousness is made up of smaller, fragmented group consciousnesses, or mini collective consciousnesses. Whenever a group of people have a strong belief system (religious, political, economic, or social) they will be energetically inter-connected in more powerful ways, than with those who are not part of their belief system or group. Your thoughts determine your experience and also how you are connected to the global, collective consciousness.
How Negativity Affects People
For energetically sensitive people, this can be a very difficult world to live in. When there is a lot of negativity in their lives, the person will be constantly dealing with negative thoughts and energies that come into their experience, through their links to family members, friends, and the greater collective consciousness.
When someone does not understand how to deal with these negative thoughts that come from outside of themselves, they will have a tendency to make them their own. This is particulary true for children and has happened with most of us, as children. When a child moves into this place, one of the consequences is having all kinds of difficulties in kindergarten, school, even at home within the family. As they age, they’ll find these difficulties continuing in different ways in college, university, personal relationships, social settings and work life .
When people are empowering negativity, daily, over time it becomes habitual and they will respond to their life experiences from a very negative place, without thinking. Also, because of the negativity in their energies, they will be easily influenced by negative situations that are presented to them, through the people around them, or from any music, movies, TV, and other media that are negative in their content.
Our thoughts and emotional state determine how we are connected to the planetary collective consciousness. If there is a lot of negativity going on in a person’s life, they will find themselves linking, energetically, to everyone else within the collective consciousness who is resonating with the same types of negative energies.
This connection to the greater planetary consciousness is something most humans are not consciously aware of, even though we are constantly affected by how we are choosing to be connected. The links we have to the collective consciousness will cause a person living in fear, thinking in negative ways, to experience a multitude of negative thought forms coming into their heads. Negative thought forms that have nothing, really, to do with what’s going on in their experience, and everything to do with the fact that they are sharing in the negative thought energies of many other people.
Fear Always Takes on a Life of it’s Own
Fear is something that we create with our mind, our consciousness. Fear will always endeavor to take on a life of its own and do everything in its power to maintain its existence. Anyone who is ruled by fear is someone who has a split personality.
When fear is ruling the consciousness of anyone you can expect them to do negative, destructive things to themselves and others.
As long as our world is ruled by fear, these people are going to be bombarded by the negative thought forms they are picking up through their energetic links to the collective consciousness.

When a person is energetically sensitive and living in a negative environment, they have a tendency to shut down, energetically. However, this also means they shut down to the truth of who they are, energetically. Our children have been showing us this for decades, now.
Fear is something that we create with our thoughts, our consiousness. When we allow fear to be our master, it requires us to be disempowered, in order for our creations, our fears, to control us.
When a person is in a disempowered place, they are easily influenced by the negative thought forms of others, on many different levels.
Everyone will find their most powerful energetic links are with their immediate family and friends. We have seen clearly with childre, if there is a lot of discord in these family relationships, you will find the child or children expressing those same fears in their day-to-day lives.
Because these children do not understand how to deal with the negative thought forms, coming from outside of themselves, they find themselves being controlled and influenced by them. This, of course, causes even more fear and frustration for the parents or caregivers, which just magnifies the negativity the child has to deal with. Parents of energetically sensitive children will have a lot of difficulty assisting them, if they do not understand the thought forms these children are dealing with.
How Worry Negates Love
It’s impossible to truly love anyone you worry about, however the programming we’ve all received tells us that if we love someone, we worry about them. In fact, the energies of worry vibrate on a low level and worry is a negative emotion. A negative thought energy that you project onto everyone you worry about, and all life.
Parents, as an example, are programmed to worry about their children. Because a person’s strongest connection is with their biological parents, they share, powerfully, in the energies of their parents. If fear rules Mom and Dad in their day-to-day lives, then the child learns to deal with the world from that same place, even if they never see or hear Mom or Dad manifesting those fears in the physical.
Whatever thought forms that the parents employ in their day-to-day lives are the ones the children pick up and, over time, make their own. When Mom, Dad, or family members worry about their children, it can become overwhelming for these children, at times.
Even energetically sensitive children who live in homes where the parents are, for the most part, positive and loving will be affected in very powerfully, negative ways by the negativity they pick up through the collective consciousness. This is what happens when they do not understand how to deal with these negative thought forms and energies.
When you worry about a child, the love you have for that child becomes tainted by the fear that motivates your worry.
Instead of the child receiving your love they receive the negative thought forms (worry energy) you are projecting. When your child receives negative thought forms from you it can be very frightening, terrifying, and confusing for the child.
At times they will respond in negative ways because of the energies that they are receiving from the people they trust the most.
A child in this situation will feel very isolated, unloved, or unappreciated. The longer they remain in this negative state the stronger the negativity builds within their consciousness, and as a consequence the more rebellious or destructive the child becomes. The more you worry about your child, the more negativity you are adding to their already confusing, emotional and mental state.
Creating a Positive, Loving Environment
Whenever an energetically sensitive person, of any age, is having to deal with negativity on a regular basis, they will shut down to the truth of whom they are, a positive, loving being, to protect themselves from the negativity.
Many of these people, who are loving, extremely creative, sensitive, and intelligent, withdraw within themselves. As they do this, the fears that rule their experience take over and control their personality and, as a consequence, dictate the choices they make to deal with their life, on all levels.
So, it is important for energetically sensitive children or for that matter all children and people to be living in a positive, loving environment.
A positive, loving environment will allow them to feel safe to express the truth of who they are. In this type of environment, their energies, their vibrations will increase, tremendously. This will allow them to be in control of their own consciousness, their life, and not be affected by the negativity in their experience, coming from others.
When a person is in this place and they are not having to expend a lot of their mental and emotional energy in dealing with fear, they are free to express their truth, knowledge, wisdom, and their creative abilities in very powerfully, positive ways.
They become powerful examples to everyone else of how to deal with this world from a loving, empowered, aware place. They become great teachers, simply through their life’s example.