Energy Exercise: Embrace My Chosen Creating
Daily Clearing
I embrace and transmute all the negative thoughts and energies that are mine that give me cause to judge myself
Or anyone else in this world.
As I transmute all the negativity that is mine that interferes with my ability to be one with the Light,
To be one with Source,
I bring that Love, that Light,
That understanding into all levels of my being in this reality.
And I radiate that Love, which is the Love and Light of Source, to all life in this world.
I am a walking, talking Light machine. I am a walking, talking Love machine.
Embrace My Chosen Creating
Source, I embrace and transmute all the negative thought forms
That I have explored in this and other lifetimes,
In order to understand the consequences of creating with negative energies.
It was part of my chosen spiritual evolution, to have these experiences.
I had to shut down to the truth of who I am
In order to explore creating with fear,
With negativity.
I’ve done a heck of a job.
Good for me.
All the negativity
I’ve been exploring with everyone in my family and greater family,
I embrace and transmute with Love.
I chose these experiences.
My Soul buddies chose to have these experiences with me.
In exploring creating in the shadows.
Part of the experience of allowing fear to be my master,
Is to be in denial off the truth of who I am
And the truth of all the actors in the movies of my lives.
I have mastered that.
I now see clearly the powers my fears have when I allow them to be my master.
I have done no wrong, they have done no wrong.
I open to all the fears I’ve been carrying in my being, that I’ve been hiding in my subconscious
To my Light, again.
All these fears, which are just unclaimed learning opportunities.
And I have a better understanding how my fears, who endeavor to maintain their own existence
Control how I see things, perceive things, understand things and deal with life, as a consequence.
I always make choices that accommodate my fears.
I judge myself and I judge others.
I have a greater understanding of this now.
Good for me.
And thank you, everyone, who danced in the shadows with me,
Who explored the consequences of creating with negativity with me.
Thank you for all the wonderful learning opportunities.
As I embrace and transmute the negativity from all these chosen negative, cocreative experiences,
I release and return with Love, all that is not mine.
And as I release and return with Love, all that is not mine,
I open again to all that I had to deny that is mine, the Love of Source, the Love of all my buddies in the Light.
I open all aspects of my being in this reality to that Love.
I open all levels of my being, all aspects of my being in this reality, to all the Love that I had to deny
In order to explore the consequences of creating with negativity.
I open every aspect of my being in this reality, to the truth of who I am, my Source Self.
My unlimited, all-knowing Self.
I love you, Source.
I am Source, manifest.
I am a being of Love and Light.
I have done no wrong.
I am Love … I am Light … I am unlimited.
And as I merge with my Source Self in this reality,
I open to all the Love I have for everyone in my family
And everyone in my life’s cocreative experiences that I have judged.
I open to the Love and Light I have for each of these aspects of Source.
And I bring that Love, that Light, that understanding into every cell, every level of my being in this reality.
And I radiate it from the core of my being to everyone that I’ve ever judged,
Transmuting all the negativity I have ever sent them
So there’s nothing but Love in our energetic experience, now.
And I release all need for my children or anyone else to validate me,
To Love me,
To accept me,
To know me.
I am Source, manifest.
I am whole and complete unto myself.
I am an unlimited being,
A being of Love and Light.
Now, breathe, making your intent now just to open to all the Love that you had to deny from Source in order to do such an excellent job in exploring creating with negative energies.
I have done no wrong, … they have done no wrong.
Source has never abandoned me.
Source has always been with me, showering me in Light, in Love.
It was only because I chose to explore and master creating with fear
That I could not sense and feel the Love, the Light, the counsel of Source.
I am Love.
I am Light.
I am unlimited.
And I release to the lords and masters of Light, at this time,
All the lost ones who’ve been feeding off of my energies, bombarding me with negative thought forms, and linking me to the darkness of everyone else.
The negative energies of everyone else who are also exploring dancing in the shadows.
I have no need anymore to feed other beings’ fears
On physical and nonphysical levels.
I am Source.
I am Love.
I am Light.
I am perfect.
With each breath, with each heartbeat, I infuse the truth of who I am into all aspects of my being in this reality.
Restructuring my energy field to reflect the truth of who I am, an aspect of Source.
I have no need for my physical body and energy field, anymore, to reflect the fears I’ve been exploring.
With each breath, with each heartbeat, I am merging with the truth of who I am
And bringing that understanding and awareness into all levels of my being in this reality.
I am Source, manifest.
I am perfect.
I have no need, anymore, to hide from the Love
That all the actors in the movies of my lives have for me in the Light.
I open to this Love on all levels.