About Us
About Us
Michael and the ESP Team
Michael Simonson has been walking this energy awareness path for over 37 years and, here, he shares his some of his initial conversations and understandings.
Initially when I first realized that I could communicate with Source I had many questions. I would talk to Source (God) about the state of our world and no matter what topic I chose to talk about, the response I received was always, “It is perfect”. All that I perceive to be injustices in the world, in our economic systems, political systems, educational systems and all our fear-based religions, are all perfect to Source.
I remember one evening switching through the TV channels and coming to a televangelist whose entire broadcast focused on getting people to send him money. This person lived the life of a king, while those he was preaching to sent him their pension checks. He lived in a fancy home, had fancy cars, and had no worries about where his next meal was coming from. This man was a total fraud from my perspective.
In listening to this man, I became frustrated and angry, yet again, around religion. So later that night, I brought the topic up with Source and again, received the answer that it was perfect. This answer was very frustrating to me because I could see that this man was only interested in his own well-being at the expense of those he was professing to serve. He was using people’s desire to serve and know God to ensure he had a life of plenty. This was not a positive, loving person to me, even though he professed to be.
I learned from Source that this man was indeed coming from a negative place and, more importantly, that I was assisting this man, energetically, through my judgments of him. I learned that whatever I judge in my experience, will persist in my experience. I learned that whatever I judge in my experience, I link to and share in those energies. I learned that my anger around the actions of this man, actually empowered this man because he was coming from a negative place. I learned that I had to deny my own Soul in order to empower these judgments.
Source reminded me that we are all one and to stand in judgment of another being is to stand in judgment of myself and Source.
I was reminded that if I desired to live in a world where love ruled, then I needed to be a loving person myself. I was told that it was impossible to come from a place of Love if I have any kind of judgments in my heart. It took me some time to understand exactly what this meant.
The state of our world is simply a consequence of all the judgments that humanity empowers, on all levels. The majority of people in this world choose to create from a place of fear and our world reflects that. So, it is simply a matter of humanity now choosing to create from a place of Love and our world will reflect that.
This means that it is important that I do not focus my energies on those things I do not like, but chose to focus my energies on the things that I would like to experience.
I learned that we are all again part of the collective consciousness and that it only takes a very small percentage of beings on this level, choosing to come from a place of Love, to shift consciousness out of fear and into the Light.
One person standing in the Light has more power than all the darkness combined. It requires less than 100th of 1% of the people on this planet to shift consciousness.
Are you willing to become one of those 100th of 1% of the people?
Love and Light, Michael
Our ESP Team
In recent years, Michael has worked more and more with his core group of students, whose committment to their own awakening has not waivered the over test of time. This group is a dynamic and dedicated team of professionals, many of whom are parents with firsthand experience, raising energetically sensitive children, most of whom have been labeled and medicated by our current system.
Our team includes many members who bring expertise from the field of Education, serving as educators, specialists, and administrators, together with members having knowledge and experience in the healthcare systems, economic systems, law enforcement, the political sectors, various religious and spiritual beliefs systems, and the arts, as musicians, writers, poets, painters, and more. Each team member brings a unique perspective, shaped by their experiences in their respective fields.
What distinguishes these individuals and brings them together as a team is the knowledge they’ve gained through Michael’s teachings. Their understanding of the mechanics of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all beings, all life.
As a result of their commitment, they’ve seen very, positive changes in their personal and work lives, simply by changing the way they think and taking charge of how they respond in each moment. Our team members are living examples of the transformative power of personal growth and resilience, and they’re eager to share their wisdom with anyone seeking to cultivate more love, joy, and peace in their lives.