A New Generation

Humanity’s Evolution

Each generation of children coming into this world is more energetically sensitive than the previous ones. We are going through significant changes in this world, not only on a physical level but on an energy level. These children are more energetically evolved and genetically more advanced than previous generations. These “new generation” children will have more genes within their genetic coding switched on, allowing them to be more sensitive and connected to all life on all levels and if allowed to understand how to take control of their lives.

You will find in these children’s genes in their DNA having different connections than Their parents and previous ancestors. It is these extra connections that reflect the enhanced abilities of these children. The children of these children will be even more evolved. These evolutionary changes have been going on all down through the ages, but it was not until around the middle of the 19th century that they started to accelerate. These changes in humanity will continue accelerating at a greater rate with each new coming generation if all the various societies recognize the fact that we are all one and makes choices that reflect that on all levels in this world.

All Life is Connected

All life on this planet is connected and communicates on nonphysical levels other than the vast majority of humanity. An energetically aware being will hear voices, which is normal. Telepathy or mind-to-mind communication is a regular aspect of all life. Have you ever seen a flock of birds or a school of fish responds to a threat? All it takes is one to perceive a threat, and all the other animals in the flock or school will react instantly. Humanity used to be this way at one time. Over time, as fear became the prominent energy for most humans, utilizing these abilities diminished as the fears that ruled their lives increased. As humanity shut down energetically, their genetic encoding reflected these changes. Each human being can come out of the darkness and return to the light if they choose.

Mind-to-Mind Communication

Mind-to-mind communication, or what is known as telepathy, is being experienced by many but has not been recognized or acknowledged for what it is. A mother will sense or know when one of their children is in trouble even when the child is not in their presence. Two lovers will find themselves knowing the thoughts of their partner without speaking. What allows this kind of connection to occur is the strong bond of love that exists between the individuals. Most of humanity does not have a conscious experience of this because the greater part of their consciousness is invested in the fears that rule their lives.

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