The Mind & Body Connection
A Journey Into Energetic Awareness and Human Potential
The brain, at this time, is an organ that is not understood by many. There have been many scientists stating that the brain is not utilized, fully. This is simply because most of humanity is shut down, energetically, because of the fears they inherited and made their own. As a consequence, they have shut down to their abilities to perceive and communicate, beyond the physical.
We do not store information in the brain, rather, information is stored in our energy field.
Our energy field is multidimensional.
The brain is an organ that connects our higher, energy fields together with our lowest, energetically expressed, energy field, the physical body. You can think of it as an inter-dimensional two-way transceiver. Information or energy is channeled through the brain to the various energy bodies. (see section below).
When a person chooses to become more energetically aware, they will find their brain being utilized to a greater degree than someone who is energetically shut down, as is most of humanity.
Someone who is creative will find their brain being utilized more, simply because they are connecting to their greater Self, or their greater totality more so, than someone choosing not to explore their creative abilities.
Our DNA is a reflection of our consciousness. When someone chooses to open up energetically, they will find their DNA reflecting those changes.
A Brief Description of Each of Our Energy Bodies
- The Physical body is the densest form in our energetic makeup, and it allows our higher energetic Self to access this physical world. Even though it is perceived as being physical, the physical body is an energy body. All illnesses or diseases will be reflected, on a physical level, in this body.
- The Etheric body is a nonphysical energy field that is closely aligned with, and one of the energetic templates for, the physical body. It assists in the physical body’s connection to its higher energy bodies.
- The Emotional body is a nonphysical energy field where we store all of our emotions and feelings. Our emotions and feelings determine what type of person we are. They determine how we interact with other people. But you will find, over time, if your emotional creating is from a negative place, the energies created on these levels drop in vibration and are stored in your lower, physical energy field, or body. This, of course, causes muscles and bones to become more rigid, organs not to function properly etc.
- The Mental body is a nonphysical energy field where, through the power of our thoughts, we give form to our lower energy bodies and, of course, the lowest energy body, our physical body. Our belief systems are stored here and the subconscious is created here.
- The Source body is the nonphysical energy field that encompasses all of our lower energy fields that inform who we are in this world and how we choose to create. It is what connects us to our Source energies.
Understanding Emotions and Energies
The brain functions as a bridge between the various energy bodies. Information is stored in all of these bodies. All emotions are a consequence of the thoughts that a person empowers. If a person lives in fear (anger, sadness, guilt, frustration, loneliness, resentment, hatred, etc.) they will find their energetic bodies becoming very negative. The neural pathways in their brain become hardwired to reflect the negative patterns in their various energy fields.
Anytime someone allows fear to rule their consciousness, it requires them to be disempowered, in order for their creations – their fears – to be their master.
When you choose, through exercising your free will, to allow fear to be your master, you are a puppet to your fears and a puppet to the fears of others in your life’s experience.
Fear is an energy that will always take on a life of its own and when this happens a person will find themselves responding from these negative places, without thinking. This is because the fears that rule their experience are imprinted in their energy field, and the neural pathways in their brain are structured to reflect that negative thinking.
Most people, because they are energetically disempowered, function from a physical level and hence their physical body (energy field) controls their energetic experience.
Therefore, their physical body has the most control over their energetic field, which amounts to very little control, if any.
An energetically aware person will function from their higher bodies and, of course, when they function from these higher energies, they have control over the totality of their energy field on this level.
When a person functions from this place they will find that they will be able to see energy fields and energy beings.
When many energetically, sensitive children come into this world, they function from their higher bodies, which allows them to be more perceptive to the nonphysical elements of this reality.
For example, a child may be playing by themselves and talking to a nonphysical being and their parent will say who are you talking to? The child will say they are talking to so-and-so and because the parent does not perceive that energy or entity or entities, they will say it is imaginary, not real.
Because most children see their parents as all-knowing, they will buy into that belief that it is their imagination. As a consequence, they will start shutting down to their abilities to perceive the nonphysical reality that we are all part of.
The trick for us, now, is to realize what it means to be exploring in a creation where, as scientists have shown, everything is energy. It would serve us to take the time to understand energies, the mechanics of consciousness, and ourselves as energy beings. The more we learn to think and function from our higher energies, the more our physical beings, our life experience, and our creations in this world will reflect those loving energies. And because we are all connected, those are the thought forms and energies we share with all life.