White Light Energy

White Light Energy

Learning From Our Emissaries, Our Children

Children are potent emissaries of the Light and have great power to change the world when they come from their real Selves.

Our job as adults is to remind them of who they are and assist them in understanding how to deal with the negative thoughts and energies that come into their experience, so they can master them and be a shining example to all.

Each audio clip, below, shares children of different ages doing White Light exercises, as part of their counseling session with Michael Simonson. Many of our clients are children and they inspire us with their willingness to do the work, independently, with their parents and siblings. They have agreed to share their experiences with you to inspire you and your children to join in!

In these counseling sessions, the children are taught how they create their reality with their thoughts, the consequences of both positive and negative thinking, and how their thoughts affect themselves and those around them.

For these exercises to be effective, it’s essential that these children understand the energetic behavior of their consciousness and how it connects them to the greater collective consciousness.

Many of the children and adults, Michael works with, have a negative sense of themselves, lacking self-esteem. So, it is essential, when working with such people, and all children, to teach them who they really are, positive, creative, intelligent, capable, and loving. The master of their mind and body when they choose to create from a positive, loving place.

Michael teaches them that when they create from a negative or hostile place, they deny the truth of who they really are, a positive, loving being. They destroy their ability to love, be loved, be creative, be happy, and be in control of their minds and energies.

Children in this place will have difficulty focusing, following directions, and being receptive to teaching. They will also be rebellious, have problems being still in their bodies, and constantly on the go doing things because they are not in control of their energies.

More often than not, Michael finds children can, quite easily, understand these simple truths and, consequently, can shift their energies significantly, through these simple energy exercises. For these exercises to be effective, children and adults need to understand the true power of their thoughts and how they create their reality with the thoughts they empower.

Michael teaches them that they are totally responsible for the type of day and life they have through their choices.

Listen to Our Young Clients!

Four Young Sisters

Michael worked with four young sisters; here is an audio clip from that session that has inspired many.

Mom & Son

The following clip is one of our young friends doing a White Light exercise with his Mother.

Two Brothers

The same boy from the Mom & son clip leads his younger brother in a White Light exercise. Their mom had this comment to make:

“We are going to be able to come to Vermont as a couple to see you, to further our healing of our family and our Cooper! Our Coop is doing so well, but we need more tools. His younger brother Calahan said he was scared that our house was haunted. Coop said, ‘Calahan, you just need to transmute it to the Light….let me help you’, and he did, and they fell into a peaceful sleep. Soooo wonderful.”

-K.Rojas, Illinois, US

Three Young Sisters

Following are excerpts from a counseling session with three young ladies in Los Angeles.

Michael & his Daughter

The following is part of a session between Michael and his Daughter, doing White Light together.

A Father and Son

Another family sent us a conversation between one of our seven-year-old clients, named William, and his father over the telephone:

“Dad: What did you do today?

William: I went with Mom to see Michael.

Dad: Who?

William: You know, the White Light guy.

Dad: The what people?

William: The White Light guy who gives out White Light!

Dad: What do you mean by White Light?

William: It’s a loving energy, Dad.”

And this is a comment from William’s Mother:

My son William is a sweet, sensitive young boy who can be very reactive, angry, frustrated, and lonely. His father and I divorced when he was three years old. He hurts inside and wants to have a “normal” family like other kids. Two years ago, I learned of Michael Simonson’s energy work and most recently began exposing my children to his energy work and scheduled sessions with Michael. Since William has become familiar with loving energy, I have seen profound differences. His temper tantrums are now almost non-existent, and if he does throw a hissy fit, I ask him, “Are you being your true loving self?” and then the fit goes away. I have seen him give himself loving energy with his hands when he feels upset inside. His focus and respectfulness have improved hugely! Michael’s energy work is easy to do, and it is helping to bring our family together and our home to a more peaceful, happy environment.

-Tammy, William’s mom

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